1.1. Estas Condiciones Generales de Venta (en adelante, las “Condiciones”) son aplicables a la compraventa de cualquier producto (en adelante, el “Producto”) entre 2 Vegan Natural Machines S.L. (en adelante, “nosotros” o “Natural Machines”), y el comprador del Producto (en adelante, “Comprador” o “Usted”).
1.2. Por favor, lea atentamente estas Condiciones antes de realizar cualquier pedido de cualquier Producto en www.naturalmachines.com (el “Sitio Web”). Usted debe comprender que, al realizar un pedido de cualquier Producto, acepta las presentes Condiciones. Si no está de acuerdo con las presentes Condiciones, no realice ningún pedido en el Sitio Web. Imprima una copia de las presentes Condiciones para consultas futuras.
1.3. La venta de Productos está dirigida y destinada a compradores finales, y no a distribuidores. Por tanto, la venta de Productos a distribuidores no se beneficiará por las disposiciones aquí recogidas y Natural Machines no estará obligada en forma alguna con los compradores subsiguientes, excepto cuando la ley así lo exija.
1.4. Las compras de los Productos por aquellas partes que no sean consumidores, no tendrán el beneficio de ciertos derechos incluidos en las presentes Condiciones. Estos beneficios serán sólo proporcionados a consumidores como consecuencia de la ley aplicable, tal como se indica a continuación.
1.5. La información o datos personales que el Comprador proporcione a Natural Machines será tratada conforme a lo indicado en la Política de Privacidad del Sitio Web.
1.6. Natural Machines se reserva el derecho a modificar las presentes Condiciones, poniendo a disposición del Comprador aquellas Condiciones actualizadas vigentes en cada momento.
2.1. No aceptamos pedidos fuera de los siguientes países: Estados Unidos de América, Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, Estados miembros del espacio Económico Europeo y República Popular de China. Si decide realizar su pedido desde una localización fuera de estos territorios, lo efectúa bajo su propio riesgo. Usted se responsabiliza de cumplir y aceptar todas las leyes locales, estatales, federales e internacionales (incluyendo requisitos mínimos de edad) aplicables, con respecto a la posesión, uso y venta de cualquier Producto adquirido a Natural Machines.
2.2. Los detalles en relación a los Productos disponibles se facilitan en el Sitio Web. Todos los precios incluyen su impuesto correspondiente. Todas las características, contenido, especificaciones, accesorios y precios de los Productos están sujetos a posibles cambios sin necesidad de aviso previo. Ciertos pesos, medidas y descripciones son aproximados y se facilitan únicamente para fines prácticos e ilustrativos. El empaquetado puede variar sobre lo mostrado. Hacemos todos los esfuerzos razonables por mostrar con precisión los atributos de nuestros Productos, incluidos los colores aplicables; sin embargo, el color real puede verse alterado por el sistema informático que utilice, por lo que no podemos garantizar que su equipo informático muestre tales colores con la precisión deseada.
2.3. Todos los pedidos de nuestros Productos están sujetos a disponibilidad, por lo que en caso de problemas de suministro o falta de disponibilidad en stock, Natural Machines se reserva el derecho, antes de la confirmación de envío (definida a continuación), a informar al Comprador sobre la falta de disponibilidad y cancelar el pedido. En ese caso, Natural Machines reembolsará al Comprador inmediatamente el dinero pagado.
Al realizar el pedido a través del Sitio Web, Usted garantiza que:
(a) Tiene capacidad para celebrar contratos vinculantes;
(b) Tiene al menos 18 años de edad; y
(c) Es residente y accede a nuestro Sitio Web desde los Estados Unidos de América, los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea, los Estados miembros del Área Económico Europea o la República Popular de China.
4.1. Su pedido es una oferta para la compra de los Productos incluidos en el pedido. Se considera que usted ha emitido un pedido al seguir el procedimiento de emisión de pedidos en el Sitio Web. Tras realizar su pedido, recibirá un correo electrónico que contiene el número de referencia de pedido, así como los detalles del Producto o Productos que ha comprado (en adelante, el “Correo de Confirmación”). Tenga en cuenta que el Correo de Confirmación es un reconocimiento que indica que hemos recibido su pedido, pero no significa que su pedido haya sido aceptado. Todos los pedidos están sujetos a nuestra posterior aceptación. Sólo aceptaremos su pedido y formalizaremos el contrato de venta cuando le enviemos un correo electrónico confirmando que el Producto ha sido enviado (en adelante, la “Confirmación de Envío”).
4.2. Aunque Natural Machines realizará todos los esfuerzos posibles para procesar los pedidos, estos podrán ser rechazados cuando; (i) el Producto no esté disponible; (ii) no sea posible obtener la confirmación del pago; (iii) haya un error de precio o descripción del Producto. En esas circunstancias, Natural Machines se pondrá en contacto con usted y le sugerirá Productos alternativos que podrá comprar (al mismo precio o diferente) o cualquier otra solución. En el caso de un error en el precio, Natural Machines procederá de acuerdo con lo previsto en la Cláusula 6. Asimismo, puede haber circunstancias excepcionales, incluidas razones o limitaciones técnicas, financieras o comerciales, que impliquen que Natural Machines pueda negarse a procesar un pedido incluso después de haber enviado un correo de Confirmación de Envío.
4.3. En cualquier caso, si Natural Machines no aceptara o rechazase el pedido, habiéndose pagado el mismo por el Comprador, éste será reembolsado en su totalidad sin demora. Ese será el único y exclusivo remedio disponible para el Comprador en caso de cancelación de un pedido.
5.1. Natural Machines enviará el Producto o Productos a la dirección de entrega indicada en el pedido, y no entregará el Producto o Productos salvo que alguien esté presente en la dirección indicada para firmar y aceptar la entrega. A efectos de las presentes Condiciones, se considerará que la entrega se realiza en el momento en que la posesión del Producto pasa al Comprador o a sus representantes en la dirección indicada (en lo sucesivo, la “Entrega”).
5.2. Sujeto a las disposiciones de las Cláusulas 3 y 4 anteriores sobre disponibilidad y salvo circunstancias imprevistas o excepcionales, Natural Machines se esforzará por cumplir con el pedido de los Productos enumerados en la Confirmación de Envío en la fecha de entrega establecida en la Confirmación de Envío o en cualquier otra comunicación de Natural Machines o la empresa encargada del envío (en adelante, “Fecha de Entrega”). Las Fechas de Entrega son estimadas y pueden estar sujetas a cambios como resultado de retrasos en la fabricación. Cualquier demora en la Entrega le será comunicada por adelantado. En cualquier caso, tendrá la opción de continuar con la compra con una nueva Fecha de Entrega o, alternativamente, cancelar el pedido, en cuyo caso le será reembolsado el monto total pagado.
Natural Machines puede hacer envíos parciales de pedidos, que se facturarán y se pagarán según corresponda. Cualquier retraso en la Entrega de cualquier pago no exime al Comprador de su obligación de aceptar las Entregas restantes.
5.3. Usted o sus representantes recibirán los Productos en el momento de la Entrega y firmarán el documento de entrega correspondiente del transportista. En el momento de la Entrega, deberá inspeccionar los paquetes y presentar cualquier queja pertinente al transportista en caso de que el paquete presente daños visibles.
5.2. Subject to the provisions of Clauses 3 and 4 above on availability and unless unforeseen or exceptional circumstances, Natural Machines will endeavor to fulfill the order for Products listed in the Dispatch Confirmation by the delivery date set out in the Dispatch Confirmation, or in any other communication from Natural Machines or the delivery company (the “Delivery Date”). Delivery dates are estimated and may be subject to change as a result of manufacturing delays. Any delay in the Delivery will be communicated to you in advance. In any case, you will have the option to continue with the purchase with a new Delivery Date or alternatively cancel the order in which case we will reimburse you with the full amount paid.
6.1. El precio de cada Producto será el indicado en cada momento por Natural Machines. Excepto si se estipula lo contrario en el proceso de pedido, el precio de la compra incluye el impuesto de valor añadido, gastos y costes relacionados con el embalaje, transporte utilizando un operador seleccionado por Natural Machines y seguro de los Productos hasta la Entrega.
6.2. No obstante lo anterior, las compras realizadas por compradores ubicados fuera de los Estados Unidos de América, China y la Unión Europea estarán sujetas a diferentes impuestos, costes de exportación, derechos de aduana y otros impuestos o tasas similares que se pueden imponer a los Productos o a sus envases por las autoridades estatatles, locales u otras instituciones, dependiendo de la entrega del Producto y la regulación y jurisdicción pertinente. Por esta razón, el precio final del Producto estará sujeto a costes adicionales que pueden no ser cuantificables durante el proceso de compra. Usted, como importador de los Productos, acepta y comprende que Natural Machines y/o su proveedor de logística pueden informarle después de la compra de los costes adicionales que acepta pagar para la entrega del Producto, incluidos el transporte, impuestos y aduanas. En esos casos, la entrega del Producto se suspenderá hasta el pago total del precio, incluidos los costes adicionales mencionados anteriormente. Además, en los casos anteriores, el Comprador será el único responsable del cumplimiento de los requisitos adicionales establecidos por las autoridades aduaneras pertinentes y de los efectos del incumplimiento de dicho requisito con respecto a la entrega del Producto.
6.3. Aunque Natural Machines se asegura de que todos los precios sean precisos, pueden producirse errores. Si Natural Machines descubre un error en el precio de cualquier Producto objeto de un pedido por parte del Comprador, Natural Machines le informará lo antes posible y le dará la opción de reconfirmar el pedido al precio correcto o cancelarlo. Si Natural Machines no puede comunicarse con usted, el pedido se considerará cancelado y, si ya efectuó el pago por el Producto, recibirá un reembolso completo. Natural Machines no tiene ninguna obligación de vender el Producto al precio incorrecto (inferior) (incluso después de que Natural Machines haya enviado al Comprador una Confirmación de Envío) si el error de fijación de precios es una inexactitud tipográfica o aritmética obvia y podría haber sido razonablemente reconocido por el Comprador como tal.
6.4. El Comprador sólo podrá pagar el precio como se establece específicamente durante el proceso de compra. El Comprador deberá proporcionar los detalles requeridos por Natural Machines para identificar el pago. En caso de que sea necesaria una acción legal para cobrar los saldos adeudados, usted acepta reembolsar a Natural Machines y a sus vendedores o agentes todos los gastos incurridos para recuperar las sumas adeudadas, incluidos los honorarios de abogados así como otros gastos legales. La compra está sujeta a verificaciones y autorizaciones de validación. En tal caso, si Natural Machines no recibe la autorización requerida, Natural Machines no será responsable por ningún retraso o falta de entrega, ya que Natural Machines no podrá formalizar ningún contrato con el Comprador.
6.5. Al realizar el pedido y aceptar estas Condiciones, el Comprador acepta recibir las facturas de sus Compras de forma electrónica. Las facturas electrónicas se proporcionarán en formato PDF al correo electrónico indicado por el Comprador. El Comprador puede decidir en cualquier momento cancelar la recepción de la factura por medios electrónicos enviando un correo electrónico a sales@naturalmachines.com.
7.1. El riesgo del Producto pasará al Comprador desde el momento de la Entrega.
7.2. La propiedad de los Productos sólo pasará al Comprador cuando Natural Machines reciba el pago total de todas las sumas adeudadas con respecto al Producto, incluidos los gastos de envío. Por lo tanto, Natural Machines se reserva la propiedad sobre el Producto (reserva de dominio) hasta el momento en que se reciba el pago completo e irrevocable.
8.1. Si el Comprador compra como consumidor, las normativas de protección al consumidor aplicables a la compraventa regularán el derecho del Comprador a desistir de la compra.
8.2. En caso de que las Directivas de la UE relativas a consumidores o cualquier otras normativa nacional de consumidores de los Estados miembros de la UE se aplique a la compraventa, el Comprador tiene hasta catorce (14) días después de la Entrega para desistir del pedido. En esos casos:
(i) El Comprador deberá notificar inequívocamente su decisión a Natural Machines en la dirección indicada en la sección 1.1 anterior o por correo electrónico a sales@naturalmachines.com, para lo cual el Comprador puede utilizar el formulario de desistimiento modelo incluido como Apéndice 1 de estas Condiciones.
(ii) Una vez que el Comprador haya enviado su notificación de desistimiento, Natural Machines enviará sin demora al Comprador un acuse de recibo para confirmar su recepción.
(iii) La notificación sobre el desistimiento será válida si se envía antes de los catorce (14) días.
(iv) En caso de desistimiento, se reembolsarán al Comprador todos los pagos realizados por los Productos correspondientes (incluidos los gastos de envío, excepto los cargos adicionales que resulten de la elección del Comprador de un método de entrega diferente, más costoso que nuestro método ordinario más económico) sin demora y, en ningún caso, no más tarde de catorce (14) días después de que Natural Machines haya sido informada sobre la decisión del Comprador de desistir de la compra. El reembolso se realizará sin coste para el Comprador. No obstante lo anterior, Natural Machines tendrá derecho a retener los pagos a reembolsar hasta que Natural Machines reciba los Productos devueltos o el Comprador muestre una prueba de devolución de los Productos.
(v) Salvo acuerdo en contrario entre las Partes, Natural Machines instruirá a su proveedor de servicios de logística para recoger los Productos en la misma dirección donde se realizó la Entrega, informando al Comprador con antelación sobre el momento de la recogida. El Comprador será responsable de devolver y entregar los Productos sin demora.
(vi) El Comprador será responsable de los costes directos de devolución de los Productos.
(vii) El Comprador será responsable de cualquier pérdida parcial del valor del Producto cuando resulte de una operación diferente de la que sería necesaria para determinar la naturaleza, características y funcionamiento del Producto.
(viii) No se aceptarán las siguientes devoluciones (sin limitar ningún otro caso según lo permitido por la normativa aplicable):
(a) cualquier cartucho que se haya utilizado;
(b) cualquier parte o componente del Producto que podría haberse contaminado mientras se utilizaba el Producto y que no se puede reutilizar ni volver a empaquetar debido a razones sanitarias e higiénicas;
(c) Productos que se han personalizado específicamente para el Comprador; o
(d) cuando ya se haya proporcionado alguno de los servicios asociados al Producto.
(ix) Los Productos se deberán devolver con todos sus accesorios, piezas, documentación y embalaje.
8.3. Hasta la máxima medida permitida por la normativa imperativa, los Compradores no consumidores no se beneficiarán del derecho de desistimiento y cualquier compra de los Productos no será objeto de devolución ni reembolsable.
9.1. Garantía:
(a) La garantía de los Productos y de su funcionamiento es la prevista bajo las leyes legales aplicables a la compraventa, que dependen de cada país y jurisdicción.
(b) En caso de que las Directivas de la UE relativas a consumidores o cualquier otra normativa nacional de consumidores de los Estados miembros de la UE se aplique a la compraventa, Natural Machines recuerda al Comprador que los Productos están garantizados por conformidad con los términos del contrato durante un período de dos (2) años imperativos a partir de la fecha en que se entregan los Productos al Comprador, todo de acuerdo con la normativa aplicable.
(c) No obstante lo anterior, las tarjetas de garantía del Producto pueden establecer términos y condiciones adicionales con respecto a la garantía del Producto, además de lo previsto en la regulación legal aplicable.
(d) Salvo que la normativa aplicable indique lo contrario, los Compradores se beneficiarán de las previsiones de garantía indicadas en la tarjeta de garantía del Producto.
9.2. Condiciones de los servicios postventa: A menos que se indique lo contrario en la tarjeta de garantía del Producto, Natural Machines ofrece servicios posventa para cubrir aquellos casos en los que el Producto no cumple con lo indicado en el Contrato. El Comprador debe contactar a Natural Machines (1) a través del procedimiento disponible en el Sitio Web, o (2) por correo electrónico a sales@naturalmachines.com, indicando los detalles del Producto y su error, daño o mal funcionamiento. A través de este correo, el Comprador recibirá instrucciones de Natural Machines sobre cómo proceder.
10.1. Excepto donde y hasta los límites máximos permitidos por la normativa imperativa, Natural Machines no será responsable de (i) la pérdida de ganancias, daños indirectos, incidentales, pérdida de fondos de comercio, de ingresos o de ganancias futuras, interrupción del negocio, pérdida de uso o de oportunidad, daños punitivos, especiales o ejemplares, incluidos los daños incurridos o reclamados por terceros; incluso si tales daños son previsibles o si Natural Machines ha sido informada o tiene conocimiento de la posibilidad de tales daños, (ii) los gastos, inversiones o compromisos asumidos por cualquier motivo o buena voluntad del distribuidor, o costes de adquisición de productos sustitutivos o servicios, o (iii) la pérdida, uso o corrupción de datos.
10.2. La responsabilidad total de Natural Machines por cualquier reclamación de cualquier naturaleza bajo este acuerdo o con respecto a los Productos, bajo cualquier contrato, negligencia, responsabilidad legal u otra teoría legal o de equidad, se limitará al total de los montos pagados a Natural Machines después de la compraventa de los Productos.
11.1. El Comprador reconoce y acepta que Natural Machines tiene los derechos exclusivos sobre los derechos de propiedad industrial e intelectual derivados del Producto.
11.2. Las presentes Condiciones no equivalen a ninguna concesión de una licencia al Comprador para el uso de los derechos de propiedad intelectual, marcas, logotipos, nombres comerciales, nombres de dominio o cualquier otro derecho de propiedad intelectual o industrial titularidad de Natural Machines, incluyendo, entre otros, cualquier texto, gráficos, fotografías, imágenes, sonido o ilustraciones que pueden estar presentes en el Sitio Web.
12.1. El hecho de que alguna de las presentes Condiciones pueda ser nula o inválida no afectará la validez del resto de la relación contractual entre las partes.
12.2. Las partes reemplazarán de buena fe, dentro de los límites aceptables, la condición inválida por otra con el mismo resultado técnico y económico que la original, sin que esto dé lugar a ningún cambio sustancial o material en el resto de su relación contractual.
13.1. Las presentes Condiciones son el acuerdo completo entre usted y Natural Machines y reemplazan cualquier entendimiento o acuerdo previo (escrito u oral).
13.2. Natural Machines se reserva el derecho de retirar el Producto en cualquier momento y/o eliminar o editar cualquier material o contenido en el Sitio Web. Natural Machines no será responsable ante el Comprador o cualquier otro tercero por retirar el Producto, se haya vendido o no, eliminar o editar cualquier material o contenido en el Sitio Web o por negarse a procesar o aceptar un pedido después de que Natural Machines haya enviado al Comprador la Confirmación de Pedido.
14.1. Las presentes Condiciones se regirán y se interpretarán según las leyes del REINO DE ESPAÑA, independientemente de los principios de conflicto de leyes. La aplicación de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Contratos de Compraventa Internacional de Mercaderías está expresamente excluida.
14.2. Cualquier cuestión o controversia que pueda surgir en relación con la interpretación, el cumplimiento y la implementación de estas Condiciones estará expresamente sujeta a la jurisdicción y competencia de los tribunales de la ciudad de Madrid, y las partes renunciarán expresamente a cualquier otro foro al que pudieran tener derecho.
14.3. Algunos Estados o jurisdicciones no permiten la elección de leyes y tribunales para el consumidor final. Si usted es un consumidor final y su normativa aplicable no permite la elección de leyes y tribunales, las disposiciones de las Cláusulas 14.1 y 14.2 no se aplicarán a su compra de los Productos.
Salvo que en las presentes Condiciones se disponga lo contrario, los avisos y comunicaciones que las partes deben realizar serán por correo electrónico con acuse de recibo o cualquier otra forma escrita que permita mostrar su recibo por parte del destinatario, enviado a las direcciones que corresponden a cada parte.
Ni Natural Machines ni usted serán responsables por daños o retrasos o fallos en el rendimiento como resultado de actos o sucesos fuera de su control razonable, lo que incluye, entre otros: fuerza mayor, incendios, rayos, explosiones, aumentos o fallos de energía, agua, actos de Dios (“actos of God”), guerras, revoluciones, conflictos civiles o actos de autoridades civiles o militares o enemigos públicos: cualquier ley, orden, regulación, ordenanza o requisito de cualquier gobierno u organismo legal o cualquier representante de dicho gobierno u organismo legal; o disturbios laborales, lo que incluye, entre otros, huelgas, desaceleraciones, piquetes o boicots; incapacidad para asegurar materias primas, instalaciones de transporte, escasez de combustible o energía, o actos u omisiones de transportistas.
Úlitma Actualización: Septiembre 2018
This subscription agreement establishes the terms and conditions (hereinafter, "Terms and Conditions") that are applicable to the contractual and commercial relationship between the Client (hereinafter, the "Client") and Natural Machines Iberia S.L. (hereinafter, “Natural Machines”) for the use and operation of the Foodini, its accessories (hereinafter, “Foodini”) and for access to the cloud platform (IoT) of Natural Machines (hereinafter, “Foodini World”), during the time of the subscription plan contracted by the Client in the subscription platform, and selection of the services and functionalities to be provided by Natural Machines (hereinafter, the “Platform”).
These Terms and Conditions regulate the right to use Foodini by the Client, the use of the Software and the access and use of Foodini World; as well as the support, maintenance and update services that Natural Machines will provide to the Client through Foodini (hereinafter, the "Services"), in accordance with the subscription plan contracted.
The access and use of Foodini, the Software and Foodini World or the Services imply that the Client has read, agrees to and accepts in full and without reservations to fully comply with these Terms and Conditions. Natural Machines may modify these Terms and Conditions at any time, so we recommend reviewing them regularly.
Some of the Services offered by Natural Machines in the Foodini may be subject to specific conditions or instructions from Natural Machines, third parties that provide them or those on which they depend. Said conditions or specific instructions will complete or, if they are contrary to what is established here, will replace the content of these Terms and Conditions, for which they must be accepted by the Client before the provision of the corresponding Service begins.
Likewise, with regard to the collection and use of personal data, the applicable Privacy Policy can be found at the following link
3.1. Delivery of Foodini
At the time of the contracting the Foodini subscription, the Client will provide on the Platform the required details for the delivery of the Foodini and for issuing the corresponding invoices. However, some of the services offered by the Platform will be provided through third parties, which will be subject to the conditions and standards of service established by such third parties.
In particular, some of the data provided by the Client, such as payment details may be managed by third parties. In particular, the payment details, such as the credit card numbers, will be stored and managed by a third party under their own terms and conditions, and Natural Machines will not have access to the provided bank details.
The shipping costs, if any, will be shown in the payment summary within the Platform before finalizing the contracting process.
All additional expenses incurred by the Client after accepting this subscription agreement, including setup and training not covered in the subscription agreement, will be borne exclusively by the Client.
3.2. Return of Foodini
At the end of the subscription agreement for any reason, the Client must return the Foodini to Natural Machines in the same packaging in which it was delivered, and correctly packaged. In the event that the Client has not kept said packaging, they must request a new packaging from Natural Machines. The shipment by Natural Machines of a new packaging for the return of Foodini may have an additional cost for the Client.
Likewise, the Client must send, at its own expense, the Foodini to the place indicated by Natural Machines, within a maximum period of five (5) working days after the termination of the subscription, undamaged and in good working order, without prejudice to the logical wear and tear that the Foodini may have due to the passage of time and its ordinary use in accordance with the terms herein.. The device and accessories must be returned without damage and in good working condition, without prejudice to the acceptable wear and tear Foodini during its ordinary use in accordance with the terms set forth herein. In the event that the Client does not return Foodini, Natural Machines reserves the right to continue charging the fees associated to the subscription plan contracted by the Client.
If, once the Foodini has been returned, it shows defects and/or is damaged due to causes not related to logical wear and tear over time and ordinary use, Natural Machines reserves the right to charge the Client for the costs incurred in its repair or deduct them from the deposit paid at the time of acceptance of this subscription agreement, in accordance with Clause 5 of the Terms and Conditions.
The Client will pay Natural Machines the monthly fees associated to the subscription plan chosen on the Platform.
The Client will pay the monthly or annually fees in advance, depending on the subscription plan contracted. In the case of monthly remuneration, this will be paid month by month, with the first payment coinciding at the time of contracting and the following monthly payments. Payment will be made automatically to the credit card or bank account number indicated by the Client on the Platform.
The Client will be charged a deposit, together with the first monthly charge and add-ons, in the moment of contracting the subscription, for the amount established in the Platform. Natural Machines will return to the Client the deposit once the agreement has been terminated, provided that the returned Foodini does not present defects and/or is damaged not related to the acceptable wear and tear.
In the event of termination by the Client before the duration of the selected plan, Natural Machines reserves the right to deduct from the payment made when accepting the subscription plan, an amount equivalent to the remaining monthly fees until the date of ordinary termination of the agreement according to the plan duration.
Likewise, at the termination of the agreement, as long as there is no breach, the deposit paid by the Client at the time of acceptance of the agreement will be returned within thirty (30) business days, to the account number used by the Client for the payment of the fees, once Natural Machines has received and reviewed the Foodini and it shows no damage caused by the Client.
The Client undertakes, while the Foodini is in its possession, to treat it with due diligence and to ensure that its staff, users or third parties accessing it are properly instructed or qualified to use it.
Likewise, during the subscription period, the Client agrees to follow all the appropriate Foodini security and maintenance procedures, and will ensure that its staff or third parties who have access to it, will also follow the adequate security measures to protect it from possible theft and/or damage. The Client will bear the costs of getting Foodini back or replacing it in the event it is stolen.
The Client also agrees that:
i. It will comply with the maintenance instructions included in the following link https://support.naturalmachines.com/portal/en/kb/natural-machines-inc
ii. It will keep Foodini in the right use conservation conditions
iii. Will not make any modification, addition or repair to Foodini.
iv. Will not remove or modify any identification or branding affixed to the Foodini.
v. Will not sublet Foodini, nor will assign it and/or transfer in any other way the rights and obligations derived from it, without the prior written consent of Natural Machines.
vi. Will not engrave Foodini in any way.
The Client is solely responsible for absolutely all the consequences that may derive from the use of Foodini.
During the term of the subscription plan, the Client will assume absolutely all the risks of deterioration, damage or loss, total or partial, of Foodini, including theft, fortuitous event or force majeure, becoming solely responsible for damages, material or personal caused to itself or to third parties, that could be caused by the Foodini or its use.
The Client will use Foodini exclusively in the applications it has been designed for, not being authorized to use for other purposes unless prior, express and written authorization of Natural Machines.
The Client will always keep Foodini in optimal conditions and appearance as it is today.
Natural Machines is expressly authorized by the Client to inspect or check the device as it deems appropriate, for the purpose of verifying the exact fulfillment of the Client's contractual obligations, which the latter accepts. In this case, the Client accepts the download of different usage logs so Natural Machines can perform preventive maintenance services.
The Client will be able to use Foodini and the Services once they have registered and created an account (hereinafter, the “Foodini Account”). In order to do so, the Client will only have to log in including their ID and password to authenticate their Foodini Account.
The Client shall not disclose the information of his Foodini Account to third parties and shall be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of his Foodini Account and for all activities that occur through his Foodini Account. Likewise, the Client undertakes to immediately notify Natural Machines of any incident that compromises the security of his Foodini Account.
Natural Machines will not be liable for damages arising from misuse or unauthorized use of the Foodini Account as a result of the Client's lack of diligence and non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions.
8.1. Client agrees to provide the information required for account registration on a mandatory basis, as well as to provide true, complete and updated information. It is the responsibility of the Client to keep updated, in the corresponding way, the aforementioned information. If the Client provides, or Natural Machines has reason to suspect that they have provided, false, outdated or incomplete information, Natural Machines may suspend or terminate their account.
8.2. Likewise, the Client must guard his password, treat it confidentially and not reveal it to other people. The Client will be responsible for any actions performed using his account in any Foodini. If you suspect that a third party is using your account, you must notify Natural Machines immediately.
8.3. Natural Machines may suspend or cancel the Client's account if it considers that it has breached these Terms and Conditions or if it considers that there is any risk to the security of Foodini World or the stored Client data.
8.4. Account Cancellation.
Once the subscription agreement ends, the Client may cancel their Foodini Account and/or stop using the Services at any time. To cancel the Foodini Account and delete your ID, the Client must contact Natural Machines through info@naturalmachines.com.
9.1. Foodini World can only be used once the Client has registered with Foodini and the Client can access Foodini World through their Foodini Account. However, Natural Machines reserves the right to also make certain content available to certain non-registered Client, such as preview views of Recipes. The availability of the contents is in any case subject to the sole discretion of Natural Machines.
If the Client does not wish to store any content in Foodini World, he may deactivate this service in the settings that appear in the Foodini, or not anchor his Foodini Account in Foodini World, in which case the Client will not have access to the Recipes.
9.2. The Client will not be authorized to (i) circumvent the technical restrictions of Foodini World (ii) reverse engineer, hack or modify Foodini World; (iii) modify Recipes that were not created by the Client in question or make copies of the Recipes and modify said copies unless for authorised recipes; (iv) the use of Foodini World for an objective contrary to the Law and these Terms and Conditions; and (v) the use of Foodini World in such a way that damages or may damage, disable, overload or impair the infrastructure that allows Foodini World to function.
9.3. In accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the Client may access and download the Recipes for an unlimited period of time, said Recipes may only be used through Foodini and not with other machines or devices.
The intellectual and industrial property rights, including the exploitation rights and other economic rights corresponding to the Software and on Foodini World belong to Natural Machines. The Software and Foodini World (and the technical documentation of both) may not be modified, copied, altered, reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, adapted or translated by the Client, either directly or through a third party.
The Licenses do not imply, in any case, the transfer of ownership or the granting of any type of intellectual or industrial property rights, whether natural or patrimonial, in favor of Clients other than the rights expressly provided for in these Terms and Conditions regarding the Software and Foodini World.
10.1. Software Use License.
Subject to these Terms and Conditions, Natural Machines grants the Client, who accepts it, a limited, non-exclusive, free, personal, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and revocable license to access, execute and use the Foodini and its Services (in hereinafter, the “Software License”).
The Client agrees to use the Software installed on the Foodini in accordance with the conditions established in these Terms and Conditions. The Client is only authorized to access and use said Software, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, to use the Foodini. Therefore, any other use is expressly prohibited.
The Client agrees to use the Software in good faith and not to use it negligently, fraudulently, or illegally.
The Client will be responsible for ensuring, before using the Software, that its characteristics meet its needs and that it has the necessary requirements, equipment and software for that purpose, assuming the necessary expenses for this purpose.
The License is personal and the Client may not assign or transfer to any third party the right of access and use granted herein by virtue of the License.
The Client shall not access the source code or attempt to circumvent any Software protection measures, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the Software without Natural Machines' prior written permission, except to the fullest extent permitted by law applicable. The Client may not use the Software for purposes other than or contrary to what is established in these Terms and Conditions.
10.2. License for use of Foodini World
Natural Machines grants the Client, who accepts, a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use Foodini World and the Recipes in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter, the "Foodini World License”). The Client is only authorized to access and reproduce the Recipes to the extent necessary for the contractual purpose. The Client may use the Recipes for its own non-commercial purposes and only to the extent permitted by these Terms and Conditions. The commercial use of the contents included in Foodini World requires the prior written consent of Natural Machines.
The Client may not sell or lease the Recipes, images, videos or other content of third parties to third parties. The Recipes found in Foodini World are protected by copyright and all rights, except those granted in this license, are reserved.
The commercial use of the contents included in Foodini World requires the prior written consent of Natural Machines. The photos that appear in Foodini World may not be reproduced, distributed, transformed, or communicated to the public unless the express written consent of Natural Machines is obtained.
Natural Machines agrees to provide Foodini maintenance services online through a ticketing system. The Client must request Foodini's maintenance and repair services online from Foodini itself or through https://support.naturalmachines.com.
Likewise, Natural Machines will provide the Client with (i) a monthly preventive service, within the first ten (10) days of each month, in which, among other things, a complete review of the correct functioning of the Foodini will be carried out by the Natural Machines online; and (ii) assistance service for the repair of breakdowns within 24/48 hours, depending on the subscription plan contracted by the Client on the Platform, since the Client has communicated said breakdowns to Natural Machines through of the ticketing system.
In the event of repeated breakdowns in the Foodini, Natural Machines may, at its sole discretion, replace it according to the diagnosis made by the Foodini. By way of clarification, repeated breakdowns must be understood as those that occur more than three (3) occasions per year at Foodini during the term of the subscription.
The maintenance service covered by the subscription contracted by the Client and provided by Natural Machines on the Foodini will be fully included in the contracted subscription price, so in no case will the Client bear any type of cost or expense related to it, nor can they be passed on, as long as the Client has made use of Foodini in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
Likewise, through Foodini and always with an active Internet connection, the Client can use the Services and can access Foodini World, save Recipes, make designs, create their own Recipes and make new creations, obtain advice and information to improve the results. Likewise, the Client may share their designs, Recipes, ingredients and creations with other Foodini users.
The clients are solely responsible for the acts,, uses and omissions they make from the information obtained from Foodini, Foodini World or the Services. It is the sole responsibility of the Client to inform themselves as to whether such acts, uses and omissions are appropriate and appropriate.
The Client is responsible for everything that is done through his FoodiniWorld Account.
In addition to the above, in order to report to Natural Machines any problems that may arise due to the use of the Software and the Services, the Client must have the option to collect aggregate usage statistics enabled. If this option is not enabled, the Client will not be able to download the different Foodini updates, improvements and extensions that become available.
Said information collected on the report of issues derived from the use of Foodini will be sent anonymously and individually to Natural Machines. This data is only used to help the developers of Natural Machines and to be able to analyze the problems and errors that may occur while using Foodini.
This subscription agreement will enter into force on the day of its acceptance by the Client on the Platform and will remain in force during the subscription period contracted by the Client on said Platform.
Without prejudice to early termination causes enumerated in Clause 15 of these Terms and Conditions, upon expiration of the initial term, this subscription agreement will be understood to be automatically renewed for successive monthly periods.
Foodini belongs solely and exclusively to Natural Machines, without the Client having more rights in relation to it than those derived from the content of this agreement.
All rights recognized by any applicable intellectual property regulations for any purpose and for any use, as well as all rights recognized by any applicable industrial property regulations (in particular, patents, utility models, industrial models and drawings, designs and trademarks), including domain names and know-how or business secrets, whether registered, requested or unregistered (hereinafter, the "Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights") owned by Natural Machines or of its licensors, will continue to be its exclusive property and nothing established in these Terms and Conditions will imply the granting in favor of the Client of right or license with respect to them.
This subscription contract does not imply the granting of any license in favor of the Client for the use of the trademarks, logos, commercial names, domain names or any other right owned by Natural Machines.
Any use of the Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights by the Client, beyond the mere use of Foodini, will require the prior written authorization of Natural Machines.
The Client will perform or allow to be performed any act that could in any way undermine or depreciate the value or validity of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of Natural Machines or its licensors. Likewise, when reasonably necessary, the Client will collaborate with Natural Machines or its licensors in the registration or protection of their Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.
These Terms and Conditions may be terminated for any of the following reasons:
i. Due to the termination of this by any of the parties, due to its expiration, or due to the expiration of any of its extensions in accordance with the provisions of Clause 12 of these Terms and Conditions.
ii. By any of the parties, in the event of breach of any of the obligations of these Terms and Conditions by one of the parties, as long as said breach has not been remedied within thirty (30) business days from the notification of such breach by the performing party.
iii. For any of the cases provided for in the applicable regulations; and
iv. By non-consensual transfer of Foodini or its associated rights by the Client.
In case of non-compliance, Natural Machines may demand compensation from the Client for those damages that could have been incurred as a result of non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions.
The early termination of this subscription agreement for any of its causes will have the following effects:
i. Payment of all pending invoices to Natural Machines by the Client.
ii. The return of Foodini by the Client in accordance with the provisions of Clause 3 of these Terms and Conditions.
Each party agrees not to disclose, in whole or in part, the content of these Terms and Conditions to third parties, as well as the confidential information of the other party, including, without limitation, technical or commercial data, the structure of prices, costs or administrative information provided by the other party or that may have been acquired during the execution of the subscription agreement.
This obligation of confidentiality shall not apply to information that (i) has been authorized to be disclosed with the written consent of the party owning the information, (ii) is or becomes public knowledge in the absence of a breach of these Terms and Conditions, (iii) is obtained from a third party that is not required to maintain confidentiality in relation to the information, (iv) was known before the execution of this Agreement, or (v) must be disclosed by law or by a competent public body.
Upon termination of the subscription agreement for any reason or at the request of either party, each party will immediately destroy or return to the other party all documents or materials of any kind in its possession, custody or control (regardless of medium in which the information is contained) and that have been provided by the other party.
This clause will remain in force for a period of five (5) years after the termination of the subscription agreement for any reason.
Each party agrees not to disclose, in whole or in part, the content of these Terms and Conditions to third parties, as well as the confidential information of the other party, including, without limitation, technical or commercial data, the structure of prices, costs or administrative information provided by the other party or that may have been acquired during the execution of the subscription agreement.
This obligation of confidentiality shall not apply to information that (i) has been authorized to be disclosed with the written consent of the party owning the information, (ii) is or becomes public knowledge in the absence of a breach of these Terms and Conditions, (iii) is obtained from a third party that is not required to maintain confidentiality in relation to the information, (iv) was known before the execution of this Agreement, or (v) must be disclosed by law or by a competent public body.
Upon termination of the subscription agreement for any reason or at the request of either party, each party will immediately destroy or return to the other party all documents or materials of any kind in its possession, custody or control (regardless of medium in which the information is contained) and that have been provided by the other party.
This clause will remain in force for a period of five (5) years after the termination of the subscription agreement for any reason.
The parties will not assign their respective rights and obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party.
The Terms and Conditions may not be amended, modified or waived, except by agreement of the parties in writing.
In the event that any of these Terms and Conditions is declared null, the remaining Terms and Conditions will remain in force without being affected by said declaration of nullity. The parties will consult each other and will do everything possible to agree on a valid and applicable provision, which reasonably replaces said null, invalid or unenforceable provision, in accordance with the spirit of the subscription agreement.
When using the Services, included in Foodini and Foodini World, there may be technical link devices such as "links", "banners", etc., which allow the Client to access web pages belonging to or managed by third parties.
Natural Machines cannot control, monitor, approve or endorse the contents of the web pages that are accessed through said link devices, not even those that contain the aforementioned "frames" or frameworks and, therefore, excludes any responsibility for damages of any kind that may arise from access to the pages or content linked directly from Foodini or through Foodini World.
In particular, Natural Machines will not be responsible for the operation or respect for the law, morality, or generally accepted good customs, of the links that can be linked directly from Foodini or through Foodini World.
Foodini, the Software and the Services have been designed for the applications that are specific to the Client (which may be, among others, cooking, research, bioengineering, medicine).
The Software and Services are provided "as is" or "as available" without warranty, express or implied, or condition of any kind. Natural Machines makes no, and the Client hereby disclaims, all warranties or representations, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of availability, continuity, reliability, security, integrity, title, quality, performance, interoperability, regulatory compliance, satisfaction, non-infringement, legality, freedom from viruses or malicious code, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranty for any diminished performance or commercial use.
The Client acknowledges and accepts that he will use the Foodini and its Services at all times at his own risk and responsibility, for which Natural Machines is not responsible for the misuse, improper use or use contrary to these Terms and Conditions that he may make of the the Client or third parties.
The Client will be responsible for damages caused to Natural Machines as a result of misuse of Foodini, the Software, Foodini World and the Services, thus breaching these Terms and Conditions. The Client agrees to hold Natural Machines and its administrators, personnel, agents and representatives harmless from any liability that may be incurred as a result of said breach by the Client or a third party.
Natural Machines does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Foodini, nor of the Services, nor its reliability, accuracy or correctness or its usefulness for a specific purpose or activity. To the extent permitted by applicable regulations, Natural Machines excludes any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the foregoing.
Likewise, Natural Machines does not assume any guarantee for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the contents that are included and provided in Foodini World.
Natural Machines makes no warranty, either express or implied, in relation to them. In particular, Natural Machines does not guarantee that:
I. The use of Foodini, and the Services are safe, timely, uninterrupted or error-free or that they work in combination with other hardware, software, system or data;
II. That Foodini and the Services offered meet the requirements or expectations of the Client;
III. That the information provided is accurate and reliable;
IV. That Foodini, the Software or the Services will be free of viruses or other harmful components, the Clients expressly waiving any guarantee in this regard;
V. In relation to the suitability of the Foodini, the Software or the Services for a particular purpose, commercialization, or with the non-infringement of third party rights.
The inclusion of links in the Services does not imply any relationship, recommendation or supervision by Natural Machines with the destination page and, therefore, Natural Machines does not accept any responsibility for their content, except in the cases expressly provided for in the Law.
In no case will Natural Machines be liable for indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, including, among others, and, without limitation, damages for the interruption of the operation of the Services, the Software or Foodini World, loss of data, damages for interruption of its activity, whether contractual or non-contractual, including negligence or fault, incurred or suffered by the Client or by any third party, whether they occur or are related to the access or use of the Software and Foodini World, as well as of the information contained or that could be provided by the Services, the Software or by Foodini World (except in cases of fraud).
Likewise, Natural Machines will not be responsible for the consequences produced by the use of any of the Recipes and other recommendations for use, to the extent that the instructions for use and safety have not been respected.
The use of Foodini, Software, Services and Foodini World are made at the sole and entire risk of the Client, and Natural Machines, its directors, employees, or agents, will not be responsible for any damage or loss of any nature, contractual or non-contractual, for strict liability or for any other cause, generated by the Client for the use of Foodini, Software, Services and Foodini World, for an amount greater than the amounts actually paid by the Client to Natural Machines; whether or not you have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The limitation of liability will apply to the maximum extent permitted by law.
The limitation of liability for damages caused to the Client by the use of Foodini, Software, Services and Foodini World will not apply when the Client is a consumer.
Foodini will make backup copies and store them in Foodini World, these copies will be made automatically. The backup may include Foodini settings, Foodini features, Recipes, images, videos, documents, among others. Natural Machines will use its best efforts to provide the Services and Foodini World to the Client, but Natural Machines does not guarantee that any content stored or accessed by the Client through the Foodini will not be subject to damage, corruption, loss or inadvertent removal. , in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, and Natural Machines will not have any responsibility in case of the occurrence of the mentioned damage, corruption, loss or withdrawal. It is the Client's responsibility to maintain alternative backup copies of their information and data.
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Spain, except that due to the condition of the Client and the mandatory applicable regulations, any other regulations are mandatory applicable.
The Client and Natural Machines agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Barcelona, unless due to the condition of the Client and the mandatory applicable regulations, any other jurisdiction is mandatory.
法人名: 合同会社Natural Machines Japan
所在地: 〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂6-4-11-302
電話番号: 03-6277-6090 受付時間 10:00〜16:00
メールアドレス: japan@naturalmachines.com
運営統括責任者: 木下 京子
配送料 日本国内2000円〜/箱 日本国外3000円〜/箱
引渡時期:注文は 3 ~ 5 営業日以内に処理され、商品は 14 日以内を目安に到着します。
決済期間:クレジットカード決済の場合はただちに処理されますが、国内の銀行振込の場合は注文から 3 日以内にお振り込みいただく必要があります。
Last Update: May 2022
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